Saturday, February 22, 2014

ASCENDANCE TRILOGY - Favorite Book Series of 2013

I haven't personally  met Jennifer A. Nielsen, but based on the email dialogue we've had back and forth, she's a class act. She took the time to critique the first of chapter of Howie and The Prince of Greed, book one of my young adult fantasy series: The Lackawanna Prophecies. When I make it, and I will, she's been a great reminder of the kind of person I want to be. So I'm giving a shout out to Jennifer Nielsen, not just because she's a nice person, but because her Ascendance book series, starting with The False Prince, has been my favorite book series of 2013. I can't wait to get my hands on the last book, The Shadow Throne. We've had it pre-ordered for months. Get yours! You won't regret it. She's got some of the best one-liner zingers throughout the series.