Sunday, December 6, 2009

My First Writer's Conference

It's official.  I am signed up to attend my first professional writer's conference - April 23-24, 2010.  As a part of this I will be giving a one on one pitch of my new book Lackawanna Prophecies - CHOSEN, to Nephele Tempest, from the The Knight Agency (this is not an LDS Agency).  I had hoped to pitch to Lauran Rennert with Andrea Brown Literary Agency but her pitch session was sold out by the time I found out about this conference.  I've had her on my agency watch list for over a year now.  At least I will still get to meet her and introduce myself.

I will be attending several lectures, workshops and of course my chance to pitch my book.  It's hard to describe how excited I am for this, but the biggest thing is just an opportunity to network with other authors and publishers.  All attendees can also participate in a First Chapter contest for unpublished works for several genres.  So... it's time to hit the keyboard and to let the creative juices flow - I've got another deadline and a goal.


Joy said...

Goal are Good!!

Jo Jo said...

It's amazing what's out there and you never know it until you become more familiar with it. Tell me the conference is on Ohio?

Kimberly Job said...

It's amazing. I think you'll love it!